Investor Contacts
Registered Office
IVE Group Limited
Level 3, 35 Clarence St Sydney NSW 2000
Share Registry
Automic Registry Services
Level 5, 126 Street Sydney NSW 2000
Investor Relations
Tony Jackson
P: 0410 499 043
My Shareholding
If you are a Shareholder and have questions about your holding, visit the Automic Investor Portal or contact the Registry:
Automic Group
GPO Box 5193, Sydney NSW 2001
P: 1300 288 664 or +61 (8) 9324 2099 in new window
Shareholders can use the Automic Investor Portal to:
- Set up and add their holdings to their portfolio
- Review and update their contact details, communication preferences and payment instructions
- Provide their TFN and/or ABN
- View their holding details
You will need your Security Reference Number (SRN) or Holder Identification Number (HIN) to verify your identity. Your SRN/HIN is available on your holding/transaction and distribution statements.
Communications Preferences Update
Recent legislative changes to the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) effective 1 April 2022 means there are new options available to you as a securityholder as to how you elect to receive your communications.
We encourage you to provide an email address so that we can communicate with you electronically when shareholder notices become available online, for items such as meeting documents, dividend statements and annual reports. You can make a standing election or an ad hoc request to receive, or not to receive, some or all of your securityholder communications in physical or electronic form.
To review or update your current communications preference, please update your details via our Share Registry’s website at You will need your Security Reference Number (SRN) or Holder Identification Number (HIN) and your postcode to verify your identity.
If you require an additional copy of a communication, need further information about the options available to you or have questions about your holding, please contact IVE Group’s Share Registry by email at
or by mail at:
Automic Group
GPO Box 5193
Sydney NSW 2001